Archives for August 2016

Lupus Hope

Lupus hope

At the end of the day, all you need to beat lupus is hope and strength. Hope that it will get better and strength to hold on until it does.

Staying positive can be very powerful especially when you have so many health issues to worry about. Focus on things you can control and that make you feel better instead of negativity that brings you down even more.

Lupus may control your symptoms and rule your life but you are the one who is in control of your emotions. Sometimes being happy is as simple as deciding you want to be happy despite all what lupus makes to you.

You need to accept that your life has changed. The sooner you do this the sooner you can start to enjoy your new life.

P.S. Suffer from lupus? A reputable supplement company is giving you a FREE bottle of high quality probiotic and a container of premium protein. It’s truly free, no strings attached. Get it HERE

A Downside Of Prescription Drugs For Lupus

Lupus Prescription Side Effects

Image Credit: Sameecards

There is no one perfect treatment for lupus, and many lupies have to take many medications for different symptoms and different reasons. Drugs can’t cure lupus but they can control many symptoms and often can prevent or slow organ damage.

As a result many patients have to find a balance and adjust their dosages so that they avoid organ damage, get a symptoms relief and minimize side effects. This is NOT an easy task!

Leave a comment how do you manage so many medications?

P.S. Suffer from lupus? A reputable supplement company is giving you a FREE bottle of high quality probiotic and a container of premium protein. It’s truly free, no strings attached. Get it HERE

Lupus And Germs

Lupus germs

Image Credit: KickRocksLupus

You can’t catch lupus but your germs could kill me! So many people don’t know about it and are absolutely unaware how important it is for people with lupus to avoid germs.

Lupies are getting sick from something as small as a cold because it can often trigger a large flare on top of all lupus symptoms that are already present. It can take weeks and sometimes even months to recover.

Please be considerate and if you are sick with anything from a flue, stomach virus, cold or strep rather phone it in, Skype me, text message me but please don’t show up in person. Don’t take it personal. Just try to understand the reason why…

P.S. Suffer from lupus? A reputable supplement company is giving you a FREE bottle of high quality probiotic and a container of premium protein. It’s truly free, no strings attached. Get it HERE